Friday, August 3, 2012

Parent Introduction Letter

Dear parents and students,
                Welcome to 2nd grade at Joseph Martin Elementary.  I am so excited to have this opportunity to work with your family this year!  First, let me share a little information about myself.  I am a wife of a former military soldier, but now get to enjoy having my husband at home with the family in a civilian position.  I am a mother of 3 wonderful children:  a 10th grade son, an 8th grade son, and a 2nd grade daughter.    I have worked with children in a variety of settings as a childcare provider, assistant director, teachers assistant, substitute, and teacher.  I have been a teacher for 12 years, and have enjoyed having the opportunity to share in the lives of many students and their families in Henrico County, Savannah Chatham County, Germany, and Liberty County.  It is always a thrill to have past students come to share news of their achievements, get a hug, and to just talk.  I look forward to building positive, long-lasting relationships with your family this year too!
We will work together to insure that every child has a safe and inviting atmosphere in which to grow and learn.   Our goal this year is for every student to master the 2nd grade required curriculum, to develop and encourage individuality and to share personal interests in connection with the 2nd grade curriculum, and to seek to go beyond this as well.  Our class motto is “Responsibility, it’s all yours”!  In other words, each person is responsible for coming to school on time each day, to be prepared to learn and actively participate in class activities and discussions, to bring the required supplies and completed homework assignments in your communication folder on a daily basis, to work quietly so that you do not disturb others (remember no one can “make” you talk or misbehave, you have a choice), and to follow school and class rules on a daily basis. We can have a great year if everyone works together to do their part.  Remember parents that this also includes you.  Please keep me informed of any changes that might effect your child’s performance at school, update your contact information as needed, and respond in a reasonable amount of time to any parent notes or requests for conferences that I might send home throughout the year.  I believe that - Parent + Teacher = Student Success, so let’s work together this year to make this a wonderful year for us all!
                                                                                Mrs. Banks

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