Monday, August 27, 2012

Mrs. Banks Class Second Grade Rules To Remember

   Cafeteria Rules:
  1. Walk quietly to cafeteria
  2. Wait quietly in the serving line
  3. Once you are seated stay in that spot until dismissed by an adult
  4. Eat and drink only at the table
  5. Pick up your trash from the table and floor, and put your trash in the trash can
  6. Eat quietly while the music is playing
  7. Talk quietly when the music stops
  8. Remember students are not allowed to bring soft drinks

Bathroom Rules:
  1. Use the restroom during our class bathroom break (normally after each segment).
  2. Always wash your hands after you use the restroom.
  3. Finish class bathroom breaks as quickly as possible, goal is 5 minutes.
  4. No talking zone in bathroom, so please use the restroom quietly and quickly.
  5. The assigned girl, boy, and hall monitor for the week will help watch class.
  6. Ask permission and then take a pass to go to the bathroom if you have an emergency, but please try to always go during our class bathroom breaks to limit class disruptions and wasted instruction time.

Communication/Homework Rules:
  1. Homework must be completed nightly, Monday – Thursday (and other days as assigned)
  2. Homework, notes, and money are to be kept in your folder at all times.  Do not take anything out of your folder.
  3. Return your folder with completed homework daily in the assigned basket at the class door.
  4. Missed Homework must be made up in class during free time (if finish your work early) or other period, such as recess.

  Attendance Rules:
1.      Bring a note when you return to school if you are absent stating the reason and date of absence.
2.      If you have an excused absence, complete all missed work and return by date given by the teacher.
3.      Arrive at school at 7:20am, and prior to 7:40am to avoid a tardy.  Get a tardy slip from the front office if you are late before you come to class.

              Line/Hall Rules:
1.      Get in correct order quickly
2.      Keep your hands locked behind you or in your pockets. (If you have a lunchbox or book you may hold them in front of you as shown in class).
3.      Keep your eyes forward
4.      Keep mouths quiet
5.      Walk from place to place

Class Meeting Rules:
1.        Come to carpet area at the front of the class as directed quickly and quietly.
2.        Keep your legs criss cross
3.        Keep your hands in your lap
4.        Keep your eyes on the teacher
5.        Keep your mouth quiet
6.        Keep your body still

Fire Drill Instructions:
1.        Quietly line up
2.        Quietly walk outside
3.        Stay standing quietly in line waiting for further instructions

Workshop Rules:
1.        Use whisper voices
2.        Work at all times
3.        Do not interrupt the teacher
4.        Put everything back neatly in the correct place
5.        Raise a quiet hand if you need help

Class Rules:
1.      Listen and follow directions quickly!
2.      Raise your hands for permission to speak!
3.      Stay in your space!
4.      Treat others the way you want to be treated!
5.      Pay attention!
6.      Make good choices and always do your best!

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