Monday, August 27, 2012

Behavior Plan

                                             Behavior Plan:

  1. Clip system - If at the end of the day you are on blue = good / 3 pts., green= satisfactory / 2 pts., yellow = needs improvement / 1 pt.,
    red = unsatisfactory (parent contact by phone, letter, or email)/ 0 pts.
  1. Compliment Chart – Earn compliments as class, group, or individual to help reach class goal.  Students will be encouraged to use teamwork, and follow directions of team leaders in groups.  Students will earn reward once class reaches current target goal.
  2. S.T.A.R. student – Student of the month for best all around student.
  3. Individual behavior plan – as needed as determined by teacher.
  4. Good day – reward.  Needs Improvement – lose a privilege, ex. 5 minutes of recess. Unsatisfactory day- parent contact.
  5. Superstar note – special reward when teacher “catches a student being good/ doing something extremely well or unexpected”.
  6. Parents please check agenda book nightly.  If your child was on blue or green there will not be anything noted for that day, but if your child is on yellow or red their agenda’s will be marked.  Please initial each night to show that your have checked your child’s agenda and Homework/Communication folder. Students will earn a stamp and points for each empty box on Friday.  Rewards will be given out according to each child’s individual progress and class progress towards current class goal.
  7. Free choice Friday’s – students will earn opportunity to choose a group of their own at some point during the day for reaching class or individual goals as determined by the teacher.
  8. No homework pass – students will earn opportunity to skip one homework assignment for reaching class or individual goal as determined by the teacher.
  9. AR stars – students who earn 100% on AR test will earn a reward in class after reach goal. 

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