Monday, August 6, 2012

Classroom Expectations

                   Classroom Expectations:
We are a community that works together for the good of us all!
1.                 We are responsible for keeping our area clean, picking up trash in class that we see or fixing messy areas without being told to do so by an adult, and bringing our completed homework and communication folder to school on a daily basis. We know that we must be at school each day, unless sick, and arrive on time so that we can have every opportunity to master the required curriculum.
2.                 We are accountable for behaving appropriately each day.  We will earn or loose privileges and rewards based on our performance on an individual and group basis. We will strive to self monitor our own behavior with little adult intervention, and to remain at the highest level on our class behavior chart. We will accept responsibilities for our own mistakes, and not blame others for causing us to break class rules, misbehave, or talk without permission, or disturbing others.  We know that others cannot “make” us talk or misbehave, but we all have a choice to do so or not.
3.                 We are loving and respectful to our classroom peers, teacher, and other adults at all times. We will support each other with peer to peer encouragement and mentoring.  We will give praise, support, and encouragement in place of criticism, teasing, or bullying. We will work out problems in a respectful manner without yelling or fighting. We know that everyone is different, and disagreements may occur but must be handled wisely. We will help one another to reach personal, group, and class goals.  We will gain the floor to speak in a respectful manner, and listen to others quietly. We will remember to speak one at a time on the topic under discussion in our classroom.  We will ask and answer questions about the topic too.
     School quote- “Your attitude determines your altitude”   Author unknown
    Class motto – “Responsibility, it’s all yours!”       
    Student Signature: ­__________________               Teacher:  Mrs. Banks

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