Friday, August 31, 2012

S.T.A.R. Student Of The Month - August

                  Congratulations to Alasia our August S.T.A.R. student!

Weekly Newsletter 8/31

Please click on picture to enlarge, so that you can read it correctly.  Have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Fudge-a-mania Class WORDLE - SKILL (Summary)

Our class created a WORDLE.  This is a summary of some of the things our class remembers about the book we are currently reading together called "Fudge-a-mania".  Each day we read the book together in a whole group setting, discuss important vocabulary words and their definitions, students respond to questions about the story to show their comprehension/understanding of what we are reading, and we share similarities or contrasts between the characters in the book and our own personal life experiences. The students also read the books individually every day (at their own pace) and/or with one or two partners if they desire.  If you would like to get a copy of the book from the public library, find a copy online to read digitally, or purchase a copy to add to your child's personal library that would be awesome too!  Remember students, keep reading! Click this link to view our WORDLE or go to the bottom of our web page to view-

<a href=""

Monday, August 27, 2012

Video Solids, Liquids, and Gases

We watched a video today about solids, liquids, and gases that our class really enjoyed.  The students asked to watch it again, so I am posting it on our blog page this way it can be watched at home or at school.  Enjoy!

Second Grade Reading Goals

2nd grade Reading

Lexile levels: 450 -790      

Goal: 600(minimum)

We will begin AR testing as soon as the program becomes available for us to use this school year.  Your child has been bringing home 2 books of their choice, and should read at least 15 minutes each night.  Then, they are asked to record what they have read on their reading log, nightly.  Please remind your child to always put their books back in their bookbags when they are finished reading each night.  Thanks!

Class Schedule

    Schedule/Room : 162
7:20-7:45           Morning Arrival/Breakfast/Morning Work
7:45-8:30           Reading
8:30-9:15           Specials
                             Monday-          Room 118
                                    Tuesday-         Room 202
                                    Wednesday-   Room 169
                                    Thursday-        Room 100
                                    Friday-             Room 100

9:15-9:45          Reading Remediation/Acceleration (Workshop)
9:45-10:30        Writing/LA (Workshop)
10:30-11:15      Recess (10:30)/Lunch (10:45)
11:15-12:30      Math/Math Remediation/Acceleration (Workshop)
12:30-1:30        Science
1:30-2:15           Social Studies/Dismissal

Behavior Plan

                                             Behavior Plan:

  1. Clip system - If at the end of the day you are on blue = good / 3 pts., green= satisfactory / 2 pts., yellow = needs improvement / 1 pt.,
    red = unsatisfactory (parent contact by phone, letter, or email)/ 0 pts.
  1. Compliment Chart – Earn compliments as class, group, or individual to help reach class goal.  Students will be encouraged to use teamwork, and follow directions of team leaders in groups.  Students will earn reward once class reaches current target goal.
  2. S.T.A.R. student – Student of the month for best all around student.
  3. Individual behavior plan – as needed as determined by teacher.
  4. Good day – reward.  Needs Improvement – lose a privilege, ex. 5 minutes of recess. Unsatisfactory day- parent contact.
  5. Superstar note – special reward when teacher “catches a student being good/ doing something extremely well or unexpected”.
  6. Parents please check agenda book nightly.  If your child was on blue or green there will not be anything noted for that day, but if your child is on yellow or red their agenda’s will be marked.  Please initial each night to show that your have checked your child’s agenda and Homework/Communication folder. Students will earn a stamp and points for each empty box on Friday.  Rewards will be given out according to each child’s individual progress and class progress towards current class goal.
  7. Free choice Friday’s – students will earn opportunity to choose a group of their own at some point during the day for reaching class or individual goals as determined by the teacher.
  8. No homework pass – students will earn opportunity to skip one homework assignment for reaching class or individual goal as determined by the teacher.
  9. AR stars – students who earn 100% on AR test will earn a reward in class after reach goal. 

Mrs. Banks Class Second Grade Rules To Remember

   Cafeteria Rules:
  1. Walk quietly to cafeteria
  2. Wait quietly in the serving line
  3. Once you are seated stay in that spot until dismissed by an adult
  4. Eat and drink only at the table
  5. Pick up your trash from the table and floor, and put your trash in the trash can
  6. Eat quietly while the music is playing
  7. Talk quietly when the music stops
  8. Remember students are not allowed to bring soft drinks

Bathroom Rules:
  1. Use the restroom during our class bathroom break (normally after each segment).
  2. Always wash your hands after you use the restroom.
  3. Finish class bathroom breaks as quickly as possible, goal is 5 minutes.
  4. No talking zone in bathroom, so please use the restroom quietly and quickly.
  5. The assigned girl, boy, and hall monitor for the week will help watch class.
  6. Ask permission and then take a pass to go to the bathroom if you have an emergency, but please try to always go during our class bathroom breaks to limit class disruptions and wasted instruction time.

Communication/Homework Rules:
  1. Homework must be completed nightly, Monday – Thursday (and other days as assigned)
  2. Homework, notes, and money are to be kept in your folder at all times.  Do not take anything out of your folder.
  3. Return your folder with completed homework daily in the assigned basket at the class door.
  4. Missed Homework must be made up in class during free time (if finish your work early) or other period, such as recess.

  Attendance Rules:
1.      Bring a note when you return to school if you are absent stating the reason and date of absence.
2.      If you have an excused absence, complete all missed work and return by date given by the teacher.
3.      Arrive at school at 7:20am, and prior to 7:40am to avoid a tardy.  Get a tardy slip from the front office if you are late before you come to class.

              Line/Hall Rules:
1.      Get in correct order quickly
2.      Keep your hands locked behind you or in your pockets. (If you have a lunchbox or book you may hold them in front of you as shown in class).
3.      Keep your eyes forward
4.      Keep mouths quiet
5.      Walk from place to place

Class Meeting Rules:
1.        Come to carpet area at the front of the class as directed quickly and quietly.
2.        Keep your legs criss cross
3.        Keep your hands in your lap
4.        Keep your eyes on the teacher
5.        Keep your mouth quiet
6.        Keep your body still

Fire Drill Instructions:
1.        Quietly line up
2.        Quietly walk outside
3.        Stay standing quietly in line waiting for further instructions

Workshop Rules:
1.        Use whisper voices
2.        Work at all times
3.        Do not interrupt the teacher
4.        Put everything back neatly in the correct place
5.        Raise a quiet hand if you need help

Class Rules:
1.      Listen and follow directions quickly!
2.      Raise your hands for permission to speak!
3.      Stay in your space!
4.      Treat others the way you want to be treated!
5.      Pay attention!
6.      Make good choices and always do your best!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Weekly Newsletter 8/24

Right click on the newsletter above to enlarge. Then, click "Open Link" so that you can view the content properly.  Have a wonderful weekend!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Weekly Spelling List

          Parents, your child will bring home a Spelling list each week to practice at home.  Please assist them in memorizing their assigned list, so that they will be prepared for test day. 

          Here is one way for your child to practice spelling words at home - 1. Look at the word carefully. 2. Say the word aloud. 3. With eyes closed, visualize the word. 4. Cover the word, and then write it down. 5. Check the spelling. 6. If the word is mispelled, repeat steps 1- 5.  Fitzgerald Method

          If you are able to use the internet at home I have also created a list of this weeks spelling words online at , so that your child can practice their words online too for a technology activity I think they will all enjoy. 

Click on this link - Mixed -Up Chameleon, Practice Book \"Just for You\"&w0=hide&w1= slide&w2=&w3= ride&w4= wide&w5= pride&w6= bid&w7= kid&w8= eyelid&w9= inside&w10= his&w11= no&w12= big&w13= brown&w14= eat&w15= people&t=16

          Thanks for all your help making sure this was a great first week of school for our students!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Classroom Expectations

                   Classroom Expectations:
We are a community that works together for the good of us all!
1.                 We are responsible for keeping our area clean, picking up trash in class that we see or fixing messy areas without being told to do so by an adult, and bringing our completed homework and communication folder to school on a daily basis. We know that we must be at school each day, unless sick, and arrive on time so that we can have every opportunity to master the required curriculum.
2.                 We are accountable for behaving appropriately each day.  We will earn or loose privileges and rewards based on our performance on an individual and group basis. We will strive to self monitor our own behavior with little adult intervention, and to remain at the highest level on our class behavior chart. We will accept responsibilities for our own mistakes, and not blame others for causing us to break class rules, misbehave, or talk without permission, or disturbing others.  We know that others cannot “make” us talk or misbehave, but we all have a choice to do so or not.
3.                 We are loving and respectful to our classroom peers, teacher, and other adults at all times. We will support each other with peer to peer encouragement and mentoring.  We will give praise, support, and encouragement in place of criticism, teasing, or bullying. We will work out problems in a respectful manner without yelling or fighting. We know that everyone is different, and disagreements may occur but must be handled wisely. We will help one another to reach personal, group, and class goals.  We will gain the floor to speak in a respectful manner, and listen to others quietly. We will remember to speak one at a time on the topic under discussion in our classroom.  We will ask and answer questions about the topic too.
     School quote- “Your attitude determines your altitude”   Author unknown
    Class motto – “Responsibility, it’s all yours!”       
    Student Signature: ­__________________               Teacher:  Mrs. Banks

Friday, August 3, 2012

Parent Introduction Letter

Dear parents and students,
                Welcome to 2nd grade at Joseph Martin Elementary.  I am so excited to have this opportunity to work with your family this year!  First, let me share a little information about myself.  I am a wife of a former military soldier, but now get to enjoy having my husband at home with the family in a civilian position.  I am a mother of 3 wonderful children:  a 10th grade son, an 8th grade son, and a 2nd grade daughter.    I have worked with children in a variety of settings as a childcare provider, assistant director, teachers assistant, substitute, and teacher.  I have been a teacher for 12 years, and have enjoyed having the opportunity to share in the lives of many students and their families in Henrico County, Savannah Chatham County, Germany, and Liberty County.  It is always a thrill to have past students come to share news of their achievements, get a hug, and to just talk.  I look forward to building positive, long-lasting relationships with your family this year too!
We will work together to insure that every child has a safe and inviting atmosphere in which to grow and learn.   Our goal this year is for every student to master the 2nd grade required curriculum, to develop and encourage individuality and to share personal interests in connection with the 2nd grade curriculum, and to seek to go beyond this as well.  Our class motto is “Responsibility, it’s all yours”!  In other words, each person is responsible for coming to school on time each day, to be prepared to learn and actively participate in class activities and discussions, to bring the required supplies and completed homework assignments in your communication folder on a daily basis, to work quietly so that you do not disturb others (remember no one can “make” you talk or misbehave, you have a choice), and to follow school and class rules on a daily basis. We can have a great year if everyone works together to do their part.  Remember parents that this also includes you.  Please keep me informed of any changes that might effect your child’s performance at school, update your contact information as needed, and respond in a reasonable amount of time to any parent notes or requests for conferences that I might send home throughout the year.  I believe that - Parent + Teacher = Student Success, so let’s work together this year to make this a wonderful year for us all!
                                                                                Mrs. Banks


      Thanks for coming to Open House!  I enjoyed having the opportunity to meet each of you.  Please check back regularly to see all of the exciting activities currently going on in our classroom this year.  It's going to be a wonderful year!