Thursday, March 21, 2013

Dolch Word List - 3rd

Dolch Word List – 3rd
                                                 Sight Word Practice Tips –
Write each word on a flashcard. Put words in a Ziploc baggie marked “Learning”.  Review a small set of cards each night until memorized.  Move these words to a new baggie marked “Knows”.  Begin studying a new set of words nightly from your list, and continue above steps until all words are learned.  Review words in “Learning” and “Knows” regularly. 
Also, use words to play games. Example - use scrabble tiles to spell your words at home, or play games like “Go Fish” with a partner to review your words.  Say “Do you have the word draw”. If person says “No”, you have to pick up two new cards from the deck, but if they have the card they give it to you.
about                                        better

bring                                        carry

clean                                         cut

done                                         draw

drink                                        eight

fall                                           fur

full                                           got

grow                                        hold

hot                                           hurt

if                                             keep

kind                                          laugh

light                                         long

much                                         myself

never                                        only

own                                           pick

seven                                        shall

show                                         six

small                                         start

ten                                           today

together                                  try
